Monday, January 4, 2010

Free Tele-Seminar; Parenting Kids with ADHD

Why parent training and relationship tools are critical in the multi-modal managements that foster success. For your convenience, we will be running it twice on Tuesday.

Tuesday, January 5th at 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. est!
Sponsored by the International Network for Children and Families

Delene Cole
M.S., C.F.L.E

Delene Cole is a Certified Family Life Educator and a Registered Marriage & Family Therapist. She has a private practice in St. Petersburg, FL where she specializes in parenting practices and in the relationship challenges that happen in families when a person has ADD / ADHD. She also has over 15 years experience working with children and adolescents, and with finding new ways for families to relate and thrive after divorce and remarriage.

Office 727-612-1650

Listeners will learn:

What is multi modal approach and why is it successful long term
There is not just one solution in the cascade of systems that parents and children have to deal with. Learn to identify the most effective places to instigate changes
Anxiety often masquerades as defiance in both parents and in children . How to utilize empathy for parents and children, and teach them self empathy to remain calm and cooperative.
Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4810
Participant Access Code: 871063#

New Down-loadable Products!!!
New Ebook!

Turn Misbehavior Into Cooperation

Price: $7.95

Click Here
To preview and download all of out down-loadable products.

In this e-book we will take an in depth look at the four mistaken goals of behavior. Each section includes a description of each of the goals and following each section is a section called "Discovery Questions." This section will help you to refresh, refine and reinforce the concepts you learned in this e-book.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the INCAF team. Please feel free to call or email us if there is anything we can do to serve you better.


Kathryn Kvols

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