Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Parents, Providers, Family Members and Friends,

We need everyone, and I mean everyone, and everyone that each of you knows, to take a moment and go on-line to the Nevada Legislative site and vote for AB162, the bill which will provide insurance coverage for Nevadans with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The site is listed below. Once on the site, click the circle "For" and make a short comment in support of the bill. Legislators monitor how many votes a bill gets. AB162 needs to be the bill with the most votes to have a chance at passing. We need to stand together as "One Voice"
Vote Yes by going to this site:
Please send this out on your personal email loops too.
You can read the bill here: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/75th2009/Bills/AB/AB162.pdf
Thank you and in hope,
Jan Crandy

Ralph Toddre, Commissioner
1790 Vassar Street
Reno, Nevada 89502
email: rtoddre@krnv.com

Mary Liveratti, Commissioner
Nevada Department of Health
and Human Services
Carson City, Nevada
email: mliveratti@dhhs.nv.gov
Jan M. Crandy, Commissioner
3812 Ginger Creek
Las Vegas, Nevada 89108
email: comservjan@cox.net

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